wo i'm in a hurry
i just need to install some packages
and i have to say good night
thanks for reading
sleep tight
see you later
Pwnna: see, i was told by a fellow windows user that it was the "Safe Mode" that was messed up, and i was afraid that meant it might be having some serious issues.
iudiffy: You can run the Ubuntu installer while booted in Windows if you want to install Ubuntu to the same partition as Ubuntu was already installed to.
it's all good now.
Pwnna: thanks
no problem
jimmy51v_: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.
i'm back
jordan_U: i've installed ubuntu to several hdd's already
was afk for a bit
what was going on?
and I fixed my problem
now the problem is that I cannot connect to the internet.
ok, we'll continue this in PM
that's the only problem
danny4way: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.
I got booted off
Pwnna: good luck with your new nick!
iudiffy: What were you trying to do when you said it failed?
before the flooding, i was getting a "Cannot get MAC address" error.
when I tried booting up
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